July 17th “The Miracles of Jesus”

The next set of miracles we look at are those who were possessed of the devil.

Say what you will about those who believe in the power of the Holy Spirit, but demons are still active today and we need answers as to what to do.

Jesus confronted the demons and they begged Him to not curse them at this time. They knew who He was and what He was capable of doing to them. It’s a trait we need to cultivate in our own lives and live knowing that we confront them everyday in various forms.

Demons run rampant in our society for the very fact that we don’t believe they do. Haven’t you wondered why people are doing more and more violent acts and depraved behavior?

We need to fast and pray that God would show Himself bold on our behalf and that we might have the wisdom to deal with them on Jesus’ terms not theirs.

The demons asked permission of our Lord and He granted them their wish, only to have the herd of swine plunge in to the sea.

Don’t believe the movies! The demons are not more powerful than those that God will send to deal with them. Believe it or not, you have confronted demons when you quote scripture to those who need comforting. Many in our institutions are plagued by demons and our psychologists simply put a different diagnosis to it.

We, as a believing group of Christians should be engaged in warfare on a spiritual level if there is someone who God has revealed is being tormented. Listen to what the encouragement from the one who put them in their places says, “This kind only goes out by prayer and fasting.” He didn’t pray and fast right then! He was prayed up, He was fasted up, and He was fed up with the devil oppressing those who are weak.

The question is, are we?

Pastor Brent