Next in our series on the miracles of Jesus, let’s consider the healing. The healings of Jesus are almost an afterthought because we find that even in His hometown where He could do very little, He still managed some healing.
Where in your life do you have room for miracles of healing? If they are such a small drain on the power of Jesus, shouldn’t we be looking for them frequently?
When my wife and I were first saved, we were in a very much faith based church who believed in healing through belief. Period.
We didn’t get our children vaccinated, no drugs in the house, doctors visits for repairs of broken limbs and cuts, etc.
We saw some awesome, miraculous things in ourselves and the lives of our children. It wasn’t because we had more faith, it was because we had placed the burden on Jesus. Eventually, we have backed off of a strict set of beliefs only but, sometimes I think it has been to our detriment.
God will move with us as we mature and gain wisdom, but never move beyond believing in all God has for us. It is a must for God’s ability to move in us.
Pastor Brent