July 10th "Miracles of Jesus"

As we look at an overall view of who Jesus did the miracles for, I hope we never exclude ourselves for who we are or what we have done.

We are going to see people from all walks of life and social strata. They range from beggars to those of the ruling and religious classes.

They also range from the very poor to the very rich.

Anyone who needed a touch from Jesus was included in His sphere of ministry and didn’t have to qualify in some way to receive His touch.

Anyone who needed a touch from Jesus was included in His sphere of ministry and didn’t have to qualify in some way to receive His touch.

Are we hesitant to pray or come to Jesus because of our supposed standing in Christ? Then we need to reevaluate our thoughts.

Where does our war rage? In our minds. Where do the thoughts come from that would discourage us from wanting to come near to Jesus. Short answer, the enemy.

Don’t let the one who regrets his decision rise up against God to keep you from reaching out to the only one who can bring your miracle.

Pastor Brent