Oct 9th "Expectations Pt3"

Does God expect 100% obedience? Do we think that God expects 100% obedience? Do we expect 100% obedience from ourselves?

What happens when that doesn’t happen? Because the only thing that is for sure is that there will almost certainly not be a 100% anything.

Dread can be an expectation, fear can be an expectation, certainty can be an expectation—-but all of these are only false apparitions of what might happen.

We are going to look at two examples of false expectations where God intervened and expected outcomes didn’t happen.

In the midst of troubles what is our go to, or fall back position? Is it faith? Is it blame? Is it trust? Is it something that breaks the connection with God that we have?

In our walk with God, we need, desperately, to define who He is and what He is able to do. Sounds weird, right? God can do anything and everything. So what’s the problem? Expecting Him to do it. That’s the problem.

When we wait on God, we must wait expectantly, knowing that God is not only capable, but willing to help us in our time of need.

Waiting expectantly,

Pastor Brent