Oct 23rd "Expectations Pt4"

Peter declared boldly, “you are the Christ!” He didn't really know the fullness of what that was or what he was truly saying.

Then, in the next few hours Peter rebuked Jesus for telling the apostles what He was required to do as Christ.

Jesus kept telling His disciples plainly what was required of Him in His role as Messiah. But their expectations were different.

Jeremiah was a warrior and prophet for God. But his battlefield was not one of a charging general on the battlefield but one of prayer—even prayer from a mud pit up to his armpits.

Are my expectations interfering with my journey! Jesus repeated over and over what His outcome was going to be but those around Him were blinded by pride.

The winning side to God looks much different than the winning side to us humans. But it shouldn't be to us as Christians.

This has been a year of frustration for me personally as I realized that others have more control over my life than I ever thought possible.

Now onto the positive. If I can realize that God has ALL the control over outcomes and the future I should be okay with Him having that kind of power over my own future.

And that should cause great blessing, gratitude and peace in my heart.

May it be so.
Pastor Brent