Oct 2nd "Expectations Pt2

Ps 5:3 In the morning, you hear my voice, in the morning. I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.

When we get up. Where is our head, where is our heart?

If, like David, we come to the Lord and make our requests known, we can absolutely go about our day having taken care of what we need in order to have our mind free.

When we ask the Lord for something, will we be okay if He gives us something better? What about just different or in a different way? Or what if He simply says, “N0!”?

My expectations should not be set by me, but by the Word of God. How many of us are truly setting our expectations on what God wants, or our desires on what God is giving us?

If not, why not?

The answer may lie in what has happened in our past, or what we think has happened in our past. I don’t know about you but, a lot of times our recollection as to how things have gone is somewhat cloudy.

What are you expecting this morning? The same old thing or a new fresh touch of the Father with a new outlook and a new conscience, and a renewing of our mind?

Be expectatious

(I’m sure it’s a word) 

Pastor Brent