“Wisdom cries aloud in the open air and raises her voice in the public places; she calls out at the street corners and speaks out to entrances at city gates: “How long, you whose lives have no purpose, will you love thoughtless living? How long will scorners find pleasure in mocking? How long will fools hate knowledge?””
Need To Reign
These are valid questions we need to ask ourselves. And if when you read this you thought, "yeah, how long are those idiots going to think like that, maybe you're not ready for wisdom. Which would be sad. If I cannot admit that I have a problem, it will never even be addressed, much less fixed.
But how, how do I address something so vital that earlier in this Proverb it clearly states that the fear (think respect) of the Lord is the BEGINNING of wisdom. You will not capture it all at first glance, but it is the start to how God wants to speak to you individually. Recently and reluctantly I was pulled into a debate over facts and the interpretation of them. The Holy Spirit was pretty clearly trying to get me to back off but, I was totally in the right and on the side of truth.....so I pushed past His warning. Guess what? No one changed their opinion and now it will be even harder to introduce God's love and favor back into future conversations. But I won, right?
Let's address how Solomon said we can get a handle on our own agenda and move forward. Prov. 1:23 Repent when I reprove-I will pour out my Spirit upon you, I will make My words known to you.
Unless we are slow on the uptake or in denial, this is what we all need. God's Words. So, I repent, I accept that I was simply in my own way and making my own opinion to have preeminence over what God wanted. And going forward allow me to express His desire for His people, whether or not they know they are His.
Pastor Brent