“And pray for me, too. Ask God to give me the right words so I can boldly explain God’s mysterious plan that the Good News is for the Jews and Gentiles alike. ”
Paul is dealing with two completely opposite cultures, sound familiar? He is doing so not by highlighting one culture against the other, but rather asking for prayers from all that the Good News might be shared.
I'm seeing a split even in the supposed "church" from people up in arms at the far right Christians, who are in turn up in arms at the far left Christians. Sorry, you're both wrong.
God is neither the author of confusion or division, and if you have a problem with your brother or sister you go to them. You do not rant about where people get their views. i.e. CNN or Fox, Facebook or Google.
I'm afraid we've gotten so far from actually wanting God to lead us that He has gotten off to see if we notice He is gone.
If, and it's an interesting if, you are a believer and follower of Christ, then ask, with me, for prayers as to open the mystery of the Good News; not to close dialog because we have chosen to close grace for people who don't agree with us or share our same vision of Jesus.
Jews and Gentiles, slave and free, black and white, right and left, gay and straight, it's not about who's the loudest or, in our view right or wrong; it's that the Good News gives us all a place of repentance and peace in Christ.
Pastor Brent