God Weeps


And God looks down on the earth and sees the fighting in the middle of a plague and he weeps. He sees people arguing over their own fear and doubt and turning into hate and He weeps.

He sees those who purport to be his children, wrapped up in some other agenda, not of His doing, and He weeps.

Jesus wept when He felt the hurt of his friend's death and Lazarus's sisters grief. God got angry in the Old Testament when He saw the people following hard after every destructive thing they could imagine and were unwilling to be led to peace.

But now, He weeps. We have not turned from that which is unattainable but we have turned from the simple belief in His Son, to our own destruction. And God weeps. Jesus lamented over Jerusalem in His time that the Father had so many times tried to envelope them under His wing but they would not. And God wept. 

I have to ask myself, am I making God weep? I am certainly not above opinion as to what is happening and have surely voiced some things bordering on giving God pause, but I desperately do not want to make God weep. So, turn my heart God into that which will cause you to sing over me songs of deliverance that our nation may be healed and your kingdom might come in a powerful and healing way. Please God do not let your weeping over us be in vain.

 Pastor Brent