"Good and Bad Kings" Feb 25th

There were 30 bad or evil kings in Israel/Judah, there were 4 good kings in Judah only and there were 5 kings that had a life where they did some good and some bad. Only one of those in Israel.

It’s hard in leadership not to let things go to your head-good and bad. “Oh, you’re the greatest, Oh you stink and you’re only in this for yourself.”

You are in this situation whether you like it or not because God Himself says He has made us to be kings and priests and we rule and reign with Jesus in heavenly places. (Eph 2:6, Rev 1:6, Rev 5:10)

As we look at the good kings of Judah and the good/bad kings in the kingdom, we realize their great asset was their unwavering trust/reliance on God.

We are not left on our own or are we supposed to do things on our own. The greatest of these kings cared for their nation and the state of their people's spiritual condition as well as their physical safety amongst the vile nations which would come against them.

We have a call from God, and it’s His to confirm and we simply give Him praise for counting us worthy to suffer for Him.

The name of the Lord is to be lifted up and praised in the midst of all your fears and anger, and in the midst of any victories He might bring your way.

Continue to left up and bless His Name,

Pastor Brent