"I Peter Pt5" Feb 26

Moving on from our discussion of the marriage partnership, we need to address our relationship with others.

We are called to know each other in such a way to be able to have compassion for each other.

The world wants us to compete, Jesus wants us to lose.
Lose yourself, lose your pride, lose the attachment to things, and lose the sense of our importance to embrace His.

Our minds truly are the battlefield.  We try to embrace both the world's model and Jesus’ model in the same breath, but as the Word says, “They are enemies with each other.”

They cannot exist in the same space.  When Peter says, “sanctify the Lord God in your hearts,” he means that place should be sacred only for God Himself.

Again, we are going to be asked to suffer for God’s sake without reprisal to those who cause us to suffer. Can you do it? Are you even trying? Are you even asking to be willing to be made willing to try?

God knows my weaknesses and my strengths. Why would He continually test my strengths, unless it is to show how weak I really am?

            God, grant us a good conscience toward you as we give ourselves over to the work of the Holy Spirit.

Pastor Brent