"I Peter 3" Feb 18

I guess we could skip chapter 3 and avoid a lot of wonder about the marriage relationship and what the Bible has to say about it.

But we are not of the type to shrink back from telling the truth, especially when it speaks into the heart of some of our health issues.

Paul makes the case that wives married to unsaved men can be the catalyst that wins them to Christ by their behavior. Then he describes the behavior. It seems different than most relationships would show.

We have an opportunity to show the difference between Christians and worldly standards. We have the “high road” laid out before us as led by Jesus himself.

And husbands, we have the opportunity to be tremendous leaders and priests for our families if we will follow the imperatives placed on us to love and give ourselves to our wives.

The failure to respect each other and their roles results in consequences which can manifest in weak prayers and unhealthy bodies. Contrastingly, keeping God’s preferred order gives us the health received from a clear conscience and therefore peace with God.

“Love one another” starts at home. Let’s practice there first? Amen?

Pastor Brent