"Soul " Dec 10th

The word “soul” occurs 459 times in the King James Version of the Bible, including this one, “the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and he became a living soul.

Breath of life Is not the soul, but it is what you receive to become a living soul.

Even as the flesh is driven by the eyes, ears, nose and the touch of our fingers; the soul can be influenced by the same.

Or we can allow the Spirit of God to retrain the soul by only receiving the breath of God to restore us.

David cries in Ps 51, for God to create in him a clean heart, one that can be remade from our old corruptible heart. One free from influences that the flesh had over it before.

Also God can divide out our soul and spirit so that, again, we might have a heart that is free from outside stimuli.

The soul which contains our freewill, our intellect and our emotions controls what we do with the stimuli that the body receives.

I should note that not all scholars agree on the trichotomy of man’s being, but it does fit with many of the scriptures we will bring forth in this teaching and, as always, I leave you to decide.

Pastor Brent