As we mentioned Sunday, this series will consider the make-up of we humans.
The flesh is the first of the three we shall observe. The flesh is obvious to us because it is what we see, what we hear, and what we smell.
The flesh is suited to being driven by animalistic desires. It consumes but is rarely satisfied, it is driven by the idea that there is something better or more satisfying.
And, it doesn’t have the capacity to consider the consequences. There is nothing the flesh, given the circumstances, wouldn’t pursue.
So, what is there to be done with this unruly, obtuse, and obstreperous interloper that would thwart our true desire to follow Jesus here on earth?
Give it to the Spirit. Easier said than done, but hardly impossible. We have the opportunity to allow the Spirit of the living God to renew our minds, which can turn the desires in the direction of Jesus.
Discipline is a welcome friend of bringing our flesh into order. We limit or deny that which we know is not helpful to us. Paul compares this to getting ready for an Olympic event. Setting our eyes on the prize and counting the cost of the sacrifices needing to be made to get there.
We pursue whatever we want most. Pursue God at all cost.
Pastor Brent