Ephesians - How Do You Walk?


Oh, I so want to play, “Walk like an Egyptian” or bust out Monty Python’s, “Ministry of Silly Walks” videos as I read the verse. But then it gets real.

Gentiles (all those who are not Christ's) walk in the futility of their mind. Literally, it means in the vanity of their mind. Devoid of truth and even appropriateness.

And so did we walk at one time. Consumed and driven by our own desires; however trivial they might be or however perverse they might have become.

It goes on to say that our understanding becomes darkened and we are alienated from the life of God. We have conversations all the time with people who are beyond our comprehension, now, because of Jesus’ glorious light. But, only by the grace of God will they ever enjoy light and the life of God. The same way we received, and then we saw.

Paul is urging the Ephesians, and us, to be fed up with the old life, with its guilt and shame and walk a new life, covered by the blood of Jesus and lived out through the redemptive work of the Holy Spirit in us.

God is here to cover us and our choices with His mercy and grace, please allow Him to by consulting with Him in your decisions.

Pastor Brent