Ephesians - Week 7


If we truly want to live a life devoted to God, there is a price.

There needs to be within us the love of Christ. This comes with a price. Not something you can buy, but, rather, something you must long for.

I think of the verse that says, “You have not resisted sin to the shedding of blood.” And I think about how cavalier I might become about sinning. Like “Oh well, God is going to forgive me anyway.”

But, don’t we think we are fooling ourselves but not God?

In Ephesians 4, Paul switches from all that God has made us to be, to what we can do to prove His great trust in us is deserving.

And, of the gifts and ministries He has bestowed upon us they are not really for us, but for those around us. He gives us the opportunity to “pay back” this great gift given by passing it on.

And I must ask myself, “How am I doing in that department?”

Please ourselves or please God, live for today or for eternity, treasures now or treasures in Heaven? All these questions are ones we all have to answer.

Pastor Brent