The Way, The Truth, The Life - Part 2

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Jesus is all three. You cannot take one away from Jesus and have the fullness of the Godhead.

Today as we talk about the truth, it’s hard to know if there really is truth. Unfortunately our side is always right.

Which is what every side thinks. We are saved, so everything we say must be the truth because God has seen fit to save us.

But, in reality, the Word is more knowledgeable than we are and in Col 3:9 Paul warns us not to lie to each other because our old, sinful nature has been put to death.

Be careful who you quote. Not all people have the kingdom’s interest at hand and we may end up quoting something harmful.

We are in the midst of the most challenging of times, truthwise. Because seemingly no one has an unbiased view of our situation, or our predicament, or any reliable facts that we can point to and say, for sure, this is an absolute.

And it’s why we, as Christians are encouraged to stay with the Gospel. In fact, Paul got so disgusted with the way the rhetoric in his time was going; he determined to preach only Christ and his crucifixion and overcoming of death.

Maybe that should be our goal. Because once Christ is planted—-life ensues.

Pastor Brent