The Way, The Truth, The Life

Get on the Way, declare the Truth and live the Life!
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Over the last few months we have heard from Jesus’ lips the parables He used to teach those who were desperate to hear from Him; and for those who came to mock Him or discredit Him.

But, once you decide why you are listening to Jesus, then you decide whether you will follow Him or not. Many heard, many were moved, and many decided to follow or go back to their own way of thinking.

But the responsibility, and the lasting decision comes back to you. Many people believe there are multiple ways to spend eternity with God. But, if that is true, why send Jesus to die one of the most horrible deaths on earth?

And, if it is simply up to us, why have Jesus pleading with all to believe in Him?

One answer. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Without Him, we flounder and wander and have no hope ahead of us but dreadful judgment. But, with Him, hope is always before our lives, leading us to light and peace and yes, even joy in the midst of great tribulation and seeming sorrow.

It is said of Jesus, “it was for the joy set before Him that He endured the cross.” Joy is before us brothers and sisters if we will get on the Way, declare the Truth and live the Life. Will you join?

Pastor Brent