As we go through the parables, some will be repeated. Take notice of how many are and what they speak about.
Anything in scripture that repeats is like something in all caps or something that is underlined. God is emphasizing His Word to us. And we need to pay attention.
In last weeks message, our last parable was spoken at the end of the “Sermon on the Mount”. There are a lot of things said at this sermon, and yet Jesus asks us to hear, with understanding, to be able to build on a firm foundation. And He also warns us that not to do so ends in destruction.
This weeks parables might contain one of the most important in Jesus’ whole teaching.
How do we gauge ourselves? By what standard are we operating from? And how do we quantify the forgiveness that we have received versus what we think others need or even if they qualify for forgiveness at all.
May we always be the woman willing to expose to herself to ridicule to thank Jesus for His love and grace. And may we never enter into the arena of telling God who deserves His mercy and adoption.
Pastor Brent