The disciples asked Jesus why He spoke in parables. And He answered them with this quote, “Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.”
“Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.”
Parables are not direct answers. They must be thought about, contemplated, and even, in some cases, interpreted.
So, if you don’t have an interest, or are not compelled by the speaker or the subject they become like fairy tales or the musings of someone who can’t or won’t tell you straight out what you want to hear.
We get the privilege of getting the insider’s look at the parables and yet we probably don’t consider the things Jesus said as often as we should.
Are we really driven to find out what was on Jesus’ mind when He gave insight into what the Kingdom of Heaven is like?
Compare that with what Jesus said when He told His followers that the Kingdom of Heaven is within you. I think we might want to know what is in us, or at least what should be within us.
The New Testament, especially the gospels, contain many things that Jesus said. Your interest determines your belief in Him and also, our love for Him.
It’s one thing we have control of—-how much we seek Him.
Ever on a quest,
Pastor Brent