“When Sanballat, Tobiah, and Geshem heard that Nehemiah and the Jews had set forth to rebuild the walls and city of Jerusalem; they all laughed them to scorn.”
Does this sound like any of your “friends” when you told them you had gotten saved?
Do you know what they all have in common? None are part of what you are doing! They have no clue what Jesus has been saying to you, or what His plans are for you.
Don’t listen!
I heard one of the most interesting things I had heard for a while. We were listening to a preacher and he was really making the point about Jesus taking our sin.
When Jesus took our sin, do you think He knew what He was doing? Did He know the severity of the sin in the world? Did God, the Father, know what He was asking of Jesus?
So, when we say we have sin and we dwell on it, we run the risk of not believing that God has taken all of my sin and as Jesus resides in me there is no room for the sin to live.
My sin nature has changed. I no longer run to or look for sin and I am abhorred when I stumble—but I don’t need to be dismayed, for that sin also has been purchased with the blood of Jesus Christ. And no one can convince me different.
Pastor Brent