The Building

So the wall was finished in the twenty and fifth day of the month Elul in fifty and two days.
— Nehemiah 6:15

And all of their enemies were cast down in their eyes, because they knew it was the work of God.

But we’ll find out that that didn’t stop them from trying to derail the complete work of God.

Same in our lives. People can see the change but can’t accept that it is real and happening to you. Same as if you go on a diet or work out. “Oh, it always comes back or, you won’t last.”

Why do we do that? Or allow someone else to dictate what we can or cannot do? Stop it!

God is in charge and if you have heard (like Nehemiah did) what God has said, seen and made a plan, dealt with the interference, then build. Carry on with the project according to what you know and what the Lord will reveal.

Make sure the people you let in to your confidence are worthy of your trust.

The Bible encourages us to know them that labor among us. So, make sure you do, and let them be the ones to give you Godly advice and wisdom.

Then wait for the glory of God to reveal itself as you complete what God has asked you to do. It will be glorious.

Pastor Brent