To Wear You Down

In 1 Samuel 17 the Israelites are coming against the Philistines, and they are challenged by a big brute named Goliath. Which is what they were hoping he would do, you know, Go-liath somewhere else. Please, I've heard some of your jokes. Anyway, they have been at it for 40 days. Him coming out and challenging the army of Israel, them quaking in their sandals and running back to their tents.

But at the end of the 40 days David comes and hears the challenge; and promptly challenges back. When is your David going to show up in your circumstance? It's not a different person, it is a different Spirit. It is the Spirit of God saying, "You've got this, go forth and cut his big, ugly, head off."

Now, the question is, will you? Do you have a David Spirit? Can I get one? Yes!! His spirit was this.....I'm coming in the name of the LORD GOD OF ISRAEL, you're coming at me with nothing of any note.

You have that same spirit within you. It raised Christ from the dead! It will raise you from your circumstance and into a glorious victory because the Lord will not allow His Name to be disregarded. Child, lift up your head, The Lord God Almighty draws near.

Pastor Brent