Good Friday

We celebrate the Lord's resurrection this Sunday but what about his death? What a glorious death it was! As Heaven looked down in awe that the Son of God would submit Himself to the will of His Father for the sake of beings, the most of whom will never appreciate the sacrifice, they were in another level of wonder that they had never experienced. The Son of God was giving up His omnipotence and taking on Himself frailty for humanity.

 He had submitted Himself to the Father for love. 

Have I done the same? Mine would certainly pale in comparison to the sacrifice of the Son, but have ,I at all, given up my comfort for the good of those who appreciate it, much less those who might never do so?

 God never asks us to do things above what we are able, or, things that He has not done; but He will lead us into places we might not want to go. Will you follow? It was the simple question He asked the disciples, "Follow Me". And He still asks it today. Good Friday? Yes, because of the good it did for you and me.

Pastor Brent