“In all the travels of the Israelites, whenever the cloud lifted from above the tabernacle, they would set out; but if the cloud did not lift, they did not set out-until the day it lifted.”
These words literally came to me as I was talking with someone about the season we are in as a people, and as a nation. We don't know when the Lord will lift His hand from the world and this plague. Just as the people of Israel did not know when the cloud would lift and they would have to pack up their tents and the tabernacle until the Lord set the pillar of fire or of cloud down again.
But they had to be ready for the move. They had to be watching and waiting for the sign. Even from a place they might like, it would be possible they would have to move the very next day. Even from a place they despised, they could be there for months. But God always knows when to move. The question I need to ask myself is....am I praying for God to heal this nation?
Because it is not about my comfort level, or the changes and inconveniences we have to endure; it is about the soul of our nation. Will we turn and seek the Lord, and His forgiveness for our hard hearts, and our slackness concerning the vulnerable of this land? May I encourage you to pray more? We now have the time we say we never have. Could you pick someone out and lift them up in prayer? Will you pray for the wisdom of our leaders and leave your own opinions aside for the good of our people? Where do we start? Myself I will be taking some extra time for those who are going to be in real need of more than a prayer. Expect calls and visits if necessary, to encourage you to stand for those who are faltering. We serve a God who splits seas, and raise the dead. We shall not be afraid! Be warriors from your chair, or bed, or couch.
You are the solution, children of God,
Pastor Brent