Our World, Or Is It?

They all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed they were strangers and pilgrims on this earth.
— Hebrews 11:13

We are in the most interesting time I have ever been in. I was not alive for world war 2 and the devastating affect it had on our country and the world. Not around for the Victory gardens that people were told to plant so the soldiers could be sent the food the farmers were growing. Not around when gas was rationed, tires were rationed and sugar and flour were rationed, but my parents were, and they continued to grow and can their own fruits and vegetables from then on, remembering what had happened.

Now, we, are in the beginning of what looks like a time of almost isolationism. But, if we are sensitive to what God is trying to do, this could be one of the greatest evangelical times in America. Allowing the church to reach beyond their walls and into the lives of the most vulnerable of our community.

Of course I want you to be responsible when carrying out these acts, but don't be afraid to take somebody food or supplies and leave it on their front door with a note or scripture of encouragement and blessing.

Be proactive and don't let an idle mind take over your thoughts and lead you down a path that focuses on this world which, you know, you're only in temporary occupancy.

Pastor Brent