"Attributes of God" June 25th

Let’s look at three this morning and determine if we are even close to capturing what God encompasses.

God is infinite. God is self-sufficient. And, finally, God is immutable. (He doesn’t change)

So, if God is all these things (which, you know, He is) then how are we to relate, when we are so not these things?

We are not infinite, but very finite and subject to accidents and disease. We have a very limited shelf life but are promised the infinite that God has if we treasure this gift to Himself He has given.

We are not self-sufficient, but rather very dependent on circumstances, weather, mood, health, monetary circumstances and other factors that make us very dependent on other people, and God Himself.

We are certainly not immutable. We change our opinion so as to fit the room, or we stubbornly hold on to an opinion that makes us look ridiculous because of its antiquity. Not that old ideas are not of value but some aren’t. Le,, the world is flat.

So, let’s determine to see if we can relate to a God who is all of these things and can still be a factor, or rather the factor in how we live our lives, and what a comfort these things should be.

Infinitely yours,

Pastor Brent

"God is Love" June 18th

The first time love is used in scripture, it is about Abraham taking Isaac to sacrifice him.

“Take your son, your only son, Isaac and offer him.” It would be the hill where eventually the temple would be built on.

God called Abraham to be a predecessor to Himself, by asking Abraham to be willing to sacrifice his own son.

And, in spite of Abraham’s love for Isaac, he was willing to do that for God.

Love is not about us sacrificing for our loved ones (even though we might be called on to do so) it is about us being willing to give them up to God.

Abraham knew God’s promises for Isaac, and he was willing to go to the extreme because he believed that God was capable of fulfilling His promise, even if that meant raising him from the dead.

I’m afraid we, as parents or friends, try to shield or codify the children or people around us rather than trusting that God has the better plan.

“Oh but it’s cruel what they are going through!” Yeah, it might be, but it’s better than spending eternity apart from God because of your misplaced and misguided comfort now.

God is love. You will never out pace the love of God.

Trust in His love because it is pure.

Pastor Brent

"The Omni’s of God" June 11th

 This morning we are going to look at one of the unique things about God….the Omni’s

He is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent.  He is everywhere, all-knowing, and all-powerful.

What does that do for us?  Well, if you knew what was going to happen, had the strength and capability to handle it, and were definitely going to be in the area, wouldn't you feel like nothing could ever happen to you except that which was supposed to?

I hope your answer was yes, because that is the relationship God wants with us.  Not one of fear because He knows everything, but one of relief that He does.  Not one of fear because He is all-powerful, but one of calm because He is.  Not one of dread because He’s always observing, but one of comfort because He’s always looking in.

We have a spiritual relationship with a Father who is always doing what is best for us, but we don’t spend enough time appreciating these very facts.  Instead we worry about what might be out there to take us down.

Wouldn’t our time be better used knowing these attributes and thanking God for being who He is, and that he has let us know how much we mean to Him?  The answer to that question is yes.

Omni-optimistically yours,

Pastor Bren

"Attributes of God" June 4th

What are the main points about God? If you were to describe God to a non-believer, or even a believer, what would you say?  What would you emphasize?

And, a more important question would be; is that how God would want Himself described?

Hello, by the way.  Seems like a long time since we have been together.  I hope you had a great Memorial day weekend and that you enjoyed both speakers.

On the sign out front I put, “I’m a jealous God”.  It’s a quote from the Old Testament when God is explaining what he thinks about idols.

It’s one of the attributes I’m talking about.  Would you have included this one?  Probably not something you should lead with, but it is there.  What does it mean?  Is it a bad thing?  Is God petty and toxically possessive like some people? No, but we still need to understand what this passage means to capture all the attributes of God.

If your first answer was, “God is love”, you’re not wrong, just incomplete.  Let’s see if we can fill out more of who God is so we are better prepared to tell about Him.

Pastor Brent

"Moms" May 14th

At the hand of a perhaps 16 year old girl, the Lord was raised up into the man who would manifest the epitome of God’s love and grace.

How did God know she was the one? First, she was a woman who listened to what was said, considered who was saying it, and gave respect to eht being sent by God.

Mothers have a special kind of patience tha fathers don’t possess, and it really does take both parents to work as it should.

We will look this morning at a few mothers in the Bible who are a special breed even among regular mothers.

Satan is desperately working to destroy the special bond women have with their babies by making abortion about body control.

Abortion isn’t about that , it is about sexual promiscuity and lust. Scripter says, “Many will fall away in the last days driven by their own lusts.”

It’s not freedom when you take someone’s life to make your own life easier.

Mother’s are special. We celebrate all those who have taken the time, prayed the prayers, and made the sacrifices necessary to raise children.

Blessed are you

Pastor Brent

"WILL YOU BE IN HEAVEN? 2 Peter—Final May 7th

Some of you might be saying, “Pastor, that was the end of 2 Peter, why are we having another lesson?”
Because we’re not quite done.  Simple as that.
I have a question for you. What kind of people are going to be in heaven?
Will stubborn, willful people who refuse the teaching of the Lord going to be in heaven? Will those who continually scheme how to use people be in heaven?  Will those who think they have everything figured out and live their lives for themselves be in heaven?
I’m afraid the answer is no.  We want to believe it’s the greatest of sinners who are the only ones to miss the opportunity  of heaven, but Jesus was most harsh on the people who thought they knew what God wanted, but were merely lining their pockets and propping up their positions in the church.
God is looking for humility and a spirit willing to be taught.  That is who will be in heaven.  The person who doesn’t really think they belong, so they do everything in their power to listen to what God is saying.
We need this final lesson in Peter to ask ourselves, truly ask ourselves, of the state of mind we have toward the mind and passion of Christ.
Do you see yourself in heaven?
Pastor Brent

“2 Peter - Part 4” - April 30th

 How do we handle a world where people will straight up tell you that up is down and black is white?
What do we do when we live in a world that worships sex more than anything else with maybe the exception of money?
If we want to be followers of Christ, we even more get into what living in the spirit and not the flesh means.  Having a relationship with God means living in this world but not being of it.  Which means literally not having this world in you.
You have probably heard the term come out of the world, and that’s really what it means.  Come out from their  thinking, come out from their living, come out from their influences and choose to listen to God’s voice.
I’m afraid that world is a lost cause. Jesus was worried about finding faith on the earth when He returned, and if the faithful such as we don’t uphold the Truth, then the truth will be lost, or, at best, watered down so weakly that it no longer represents the Word.
Peter reminds us that there are dangers, even in the church.  But that doesn’t mean that is what we’re looking for, but rather that we make the Truth and the Light so bright that the fakers are exposed for who they truly are in an obvious manner.
Bless you all for seeking the Truth, seek it rather than trying to destroy the other.  God will uphold His Word and protect it.  He will pull down those strongholds as we walk in the Light.
Be strong and very courageous, for God walks with you to will and to do His good pleasure.
Pastor Brent

"2 PETER PART 3" April 23rd

 In this section of 2 Peter, he reminds us that we need to be wary of sin hanging around or being neglected.  If we indulge in sin, we make ourselves a partner with the world.
Our born again experience is a great start to a new way of thinking and acting, but if we don’t intentionally give ourselves to the work of the Holy Spirit, we are turning our back on the Godhead.
This doesn’t usually end well for us because we do not know better than God, despite what you might tell  yourself as you medicate from hard situation God is asking you to go through.
Peter is also warning of the people who are simply using the church as a place of opportunity to scam who sincerely have had an experience with Jesus Christ.  Don’t be fooled by those who are trapped in their own lusts and desires.
Some people cannot break free from the addiction and make tearing other people down and taking advantage of their struggle a way to make themselves feel better and impose false regulations on their lives for their benefit.
Walking with Jesus and He will lead you through the beneficial hardships and joy to make you who you need to be.
Pastor Brent 

"A Big Thank You" April 16th

A big thank you to all who made the Easter breakfast possible.  I am going to name basically our whole church as I go through this list and if you helped and I miss you I absolutely have nothing against you and blame my age on everything.

Mollene and Darlene for cleaning. Helpers, including set up and take down and cleaning up the dishes,  Joe and Nancy, DL and Donna, Bill, Jim, Dale and Judy.  Thank you Scott and Mark for the sound and filming of our services.  Thank you Donna for getting the supplies making our bulletins available. Thank you Eileen and Ashton for teaching our children the meaning of Easter.  Thanks to Jon for cooking and a special thanks to Connie for coordinating the whole thing as well as cooking,

We are blessed as a small fellowship by the amount of people all in to serve the Lord.  Thank you from Him and me.
Pastor Brent 

EASTER!! April 9th

Today, after full bellies, we celebrate an empty tomb.

We, as Christians, are the only religion to claim a Savior that has risen from the died.

We serve a God who is the authority over all aspects of heaven and earth. We celebrate the prophecies of old today as God has always told His people what He was going to do.

When we speak of Jesus, we speak of Him in the present tense, not the past as all other religious leaders are spoken about.

Our savior, The Almighty Savior who is constantly working on our behalf to give us the tools we need to live a Godly life.

Celebrate today! Get excited about the anniversary of the greatest miracle ever done on the Earth! The erasing of tens of millions, more like billions of sins and the death of the sin nature received and passed on to us by Adam.

We no longer are slaves to sin or sin nature, because all were erased by the act of a loving God and His obedient Son.

Pass this story on to your kids, your grandkids, your unsaved loved ones, and all those who need to hear the message of a Risen Savior!

Have a blessed Easter. Mention Jesus at every opening today. He deserves all our praise and glory.

He is Risen Indeed!

Pastor Brent