This morning we are going to look at one of the unique things about God….the Omni’s
He is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. He is everywhere, all-knowing, and all-powerful.
What does that do for us? Well, if you knew what was going to happen, had the strength and capability to handle it, and were definitely going to be in the area, wouldn't you feel like nothing could ever happen to you except that which was supposed to?
I hope your answer was yes, because that is the relationship God wants with us. Not one of fear because He knows everything, but one of relief that He does. Not one of fear because He is all-powerful, but one of calm because He is. Not one of dread because He’s always observing, but one of comfort because He’s always looking in.
We have a spiritual relationship with a Father who is always doing what is best for us, but we don’t spend enough time appreciating these very facts. Instead we worry about what might be out there to take us down.
Wouldn’t our time be better used knowing these attributes and thanking God for being who He is, and that he has let us know how much we mean to Him? The answer to that question is yes.
Omni-optimistically yours,
Pastor Bren