What Have You Come To See or Do? March 31st

 Mark 16:1 Now when the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome brought spices that they might come and anoint Him.  

Even Jesus’ mother couldn’t believe the ultimate about  her Son...that He was going to be raised from the dead.

So, they came to make the situation smell better. They brought spices and ointments out of respect for who Jesus had been.

Let’s not kid ourselves, Jesus presents a problem in our life.  Either we are all in, or we are on the way out.

There is no middle ground concerning the Son of God.  Do you believe Him, or not!  Are we serving a risen Savior or simply remembering a great memory of one?

God is alive, Jesus is alive, the Holy Spirit is quick and alive.

Our Lord is one who came to conquer death and hell and take the keys over them to show His mastery over the evil one.

Death came by one man, Jesus gave life to every man that comes to believe in Him.

What have you come today to do?  Freshen up a stinky situation, or serve a living God who has given us the power to persevere until our time has come or He returns.

He’s Alive!
Pastor Brent