"The Last Mont of Jesus" March 17th

After Jesus raised Lazarus, He went into semi hiding as the Pharisees were seething about the miracle he performed.

He stayed in the area while the Sanhedrin was debating the fate of His future. They also had decided that they would kill Lazarus so he wouldn’t be any kind of proof of Jesus’ deity and Lord over even death.

After things cool down somewhat, Jesus returns to Bethany and the house of Mary, Martha and Lazarus to wait for the beginning of Passover. He was having dinner with His disciples and the family when Judas relived the moment that Mary had anointed Jesus with the expensive oil.

Judas was upset, not because he wanted to use the money for the poor (as he said) but to keep the money for himself.

Jesus was amazing for many things, but His patience for His disciples, even the one that was going to betray Him, is, in my opinion, the most amazing.