"Kings of Israel/Judah" Jan 14th

There are 43 monarchs in the Old Testament listed as those who led the nation of Israel. 42 kings and 1 queen.

Four of those rulers were there when Israel was still a united kingdom and the other 39 ruled after Israel and Judah split.

I think we shall examine the kings and how the nation fared under each one as God is dealing with His kingdom as well as his leaders.

Can we glean anything from the good kings and the bad kings that will help us to lean into God more closely, or to listen more carefully to His Word and His warnings.

God is interested in all there is. He doesn’t have to focus on one thing while neglecting the others.

As world leaders meet and seemingly decide the future of the world, God is taking care of the remote raven or sparrow in some lonely place that only God will see.

Not everything is done for us. This is all God’s amazing plan and we get to be in on what He would have us be a part of.