"James Pt 6 The Finale" Sept 17th

 Do not grumble against one another.
Should we stop there?  Maybe we should do another series on how to prevent grumbling.

` It is not easy when you are around people for a number of years to accept their flaws and failures like we expect people to accept ours.

James really deals with relationships in the church because we are going to be around each other for a long time.

Habits are very hard to break.  If you have one that seems to annoy more than a couple of people, maybe it is something you should pray that God would show you a way out.  It takes 30 to 60 days to break a habit and you need to be consistent in resisting the temptation to go back.

But what about those who will not change, or those who become belligerent or nasty when you try to hold a conversation about mutual understanding?  What then, pastor?


Prayer is us saying to God we trust He will have an answer and show it.

Confess to one another, open up the communication  lines, (which go both ways) and let God heal wounds and hurts in order to bring about kingdom peace.

May God enlighten us all as to our relationship to each other and how that impacts our relationship to God.

Pastor Brent