"James Pt 5" Sep 3rd

Are you humble?  Do we deal with humility the same way we deal with pride?

God deals with the proud, but gives grace  to the humble.  Is feeling good about ourselves the same as being proud?  What is the purpose of pride?

As a Christian we are called to be children of God.  A people who understand that our knowledge is only framed by
God the Father and His willingness to share that knowledge with us.

Are we okay with that?  Do we believe that our knowledge is obtained by our efforts?  The Bible says, “Does anyone lack wisdom?  Let him ask of God who gives to all men liberally.”

We need to pursue God His way.  We need to confess our lack of ability to see our own way.  God knows the way. He is the truth.  He is the life.  And He wants His children (us) to know the way.

Humility is acknowledging that we need God.  Really need Him and His guidance.  Be the son and daughter that God is wanting you to be by asking Him to lead you in every decision you make.

Then acknowledge that every decision you make is dependent on God’s will for your life.

Pastor Brent