"Jude, part 2" July 16th

We know the history of Israel. God’s chosen people. They were saved out of many horrific circumstances, but if they refused to obey, or made their life one of complaining, God’s judgment rolled on them still.

But, pastor, we are in the New Testament. Doesn’t God forgive us for the transgressions we commit?

The answer of course is yes, but what about those that are continually complaining, never satisfied, or simply treat Jesus as a casual acquaintance or just “tolerate” His presence as an insurance policy against hell?

Heb 2:3 puts it like this, “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great a salvation.

We can not play fast and loose with the Gospel and not expect God to honor what His son has done. His Son, Jesus, made a way that is free and clear for us to embrace and follow. If we ignore or lessen our responsibility to live up to God’s expectations of us, where do we hope to turn?

Jude is reminding us of our place and therefore of our choices. We are free to think and act differently than all others, because our Savior paid the price to set us free.

Don’t let anything get in the way.

Pastor Brent