“ll Peter part 1" March 26th

If we have truly been given all things which pertain to life and Godliness as Peter says in verse 3 of Chapter 1, which, you know, we have because the Bible says it. Then why don’t we live like it?

We, literally, should be giddy most of the time because of who and whose we are. Basking in the knowledge that God has us on His radar and has already formulated the plan for our lives.

It’s the way Peter wants to frame this second letter before even proceeding with his instructions.

If you don’t know who you are, the teaching cannot be taught because the starting point will be false.

It all comes down to our knowledge of Christ. Do I know Him? Do I want to know Him? Is there something in me that is stopping or hindering me from knowing Him?

All these questions must be answered before going forward. We need to have a solid foundation to step from to the next place Jesus would have us put our feet.

As it says in verse 4 we are partakers in the divine nature, but how often do we practice living in that realm? Christ is writing our story on the tablets of our heart. Do we hold still enough for His writing to be legible, to us and to those around us?

Pastor Brent