2 Sam 5:4 David was 30 years old when he became king, and he reigned 40 years.
From the time he was anointed till the time he was crowned could have been as many as 18 years since he hadn’t even been brought in with Jessie’s other sons.
He probably hadn’t been counted in with the men, which happens at the age 13. Is there someone else who had an event at age 12 that was astonishing to people?
That’s correct if you said Jesus. He amazed the scholars in the temple with his knowledge of the scripture and its interpretation.
Did David rule and obey God completely now that he was crowned king? No! That’s where one similarity with Jesus ends. Jesus did all the Father asked. David went out on his own a few times and cost, not only himself, but all of Israel some significant losses of life as well as unity.
But David and Jesus both knew who they were for quite a significant time and allowed God to bring about their revealing at the proper time and setting. In fact, it was said about Jesus that He grew in favor with God and man; and the same can be said about David as more and more people got on board to accept him as king.
This whole study of David has been to tell us about ourselves. Will we allow God to bring about His plan for us? And will we, along the way, forgive and bless our enemies in order to allow God to also change our heart?
Being a Christian is not about where you start; but where you let God take you.
Pastor Brent