May 22 *David—The Patient*

From the time David killed Goliath, he stayed with Saul and did not go back to his family's home.

He became best friends with Jonathan and they went forward as brothers and leaders of Saul’s armies.

David was so successful that as they returned from one battle the women began to sing, “Saul has slain his thousands, and David has slain his ten thousands”.

It was the perfect time to overthrow Saul and make God’s anointing become real—with just a little help from David.

We will see in today’s lesson that there are many more opportunities for David to take the throne for himself, seemingly at the instigation of God himself as Saul walks right into what could have been the perfect opportunity.

But David waits.

And as we will see; even when Saul is killed in battle the man who thinks he will be rewarded for killing Saul and bringing David the news, is instead, chastised and killed.

When we learn of the things that make David a man after God’s own heart, we must learn patience and trusting God’s timing.

Will you begin to learn and embrace that with me this morning? It will be to our great benefit.

Pastor Brent