The blood and the search for leaven.
The blood is sacred to God. It is an addition that angels and those close to God do not have.
Our uniqueness as humans is because of the blood. Very specifically God warns us against spilling innocent blood and drinking blood. He tells us that our blood speaks to Him and cries out to Him.
In Gen. 49:11, it is prophesied about a person in the line of Judah washing his clothes in the blood of grapes. Our clothes that God will clothe us with are to be washed in the blood of the Lamb (Rev 7:14). The clothes that God made for Adam and Eve were made from the sacrifice of an innocent animal.
All of this to say that Passover is an event to be remembered.
In Ex 13:7 no leaven shall be seen with you in all your house.
And the Jewish people take that seriously and make a game for the children so they can recite what the Lord has done and who He is.
Do we as parents and grandparents have those kind of things that we recite to them? They are going to need markers in their lives to be reminded of who God really is because, more and more, God is going to be belittled and vilified before our very eyes. He will be treated like an old man out of touch with modern times.
Lift up His Name
Pastor Brent