Father of the Year

Gen 21:9 And Sarah saw the son of Hagar, the Egyptian, whom she had born to Abraham scoffing.

And Sarah was upset that this woman and child (of her own making) was scoffing at the weakness of the child of promise.

Many of our decisions come back to bite us in the end. And many times we are angry at ourselves because of the choices and we make even more poor choices which haunt us for a long time.

Maybe if Sarah wouldn’t have run Hagar off, Ishmael wouldn’t have been the thorn in Israel’s side. But that is just conjecture.

All we can do is repent for the bad decisions we have made. It is no use trying to bury them. They will be found. Give God the glory that He is still working within and without you to fulfill His promise.

Don’t despise your mistakes, use them as the building blocks for your future decisions. He is still going to go forward with His plans, so don’t take the bait to use precious time and energy on past indiscretions. Plod on, my friend, plod on.

Turn that barren land into a great harvest with the strength and promise of God.

Pastor Brent

God has a perfect timing, never early, never late. It takes a little patience and faith, but it’s worth the wait.