"Galatians" Nov 20th

We are in a time where the world is trying to define what a Christian should be, what the church should or should not be and embrace and if not then it (the church) should be shut down or shouted down.

Paul’s writings to the Galatians are on a similar trend, but, he is writing to the Jewish people who are trying to drag in the old way of worship and serving God into the new.

People are infiltrating the church now to bring, not the freedom Christ gave through belief in the Son of God, but by going back to the beliefs of the law.

Now, today, we have non-Christians, or supposed Christians, telling us the Bible has it wrong. We are supposed to evolve with the changing times and not be so archaic in our beliefs of the written Word of God.

So, there’s a choice to be made. Do we listen to people stuck in the darkness trying to tell us what light looks like, or do we live in the light until they receive the miracle of the touch of God?

For myself, and my family, we will continue to trust that God knows best, not only for me, but for the world and all of humanity. Even if it messes with people’s fun and the unwholesome, depraved ideas that are coming out as “normal.”

God has been at this longer than any philosopher, let Him guide your thoughts through His Word.


Pastor Brent