Abram or Abraham?

Gen 11:26 Terah begat Abram. Gen 17:5 No Longer shall your name be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham, for I have made you the father of many nations.

Abram means “exalted father”, certainly a decent name. Abraham, means “father of a multitude, or father of many nations.”

A change from what his earthly father named him even though it was with pretty good expectations. But our Heavenly Father has greater than in mind for us.

Do you know the name God has given you? Could it be that we have settled on what everyone else “calls” us?

Notice in the scripture, “no longer will you be “called” Abram, your name shall be Abraham.

Is it what we are called, or is it who we are? Is it what everyone’s expectations of us are, or is it what God, the Father’s, exceptions of us are?

Remember, this name change came when Abraham was 100 years old and only had one child by Sarah’s handmaiden and he was not the child of promise.

So don’t give up on yourself or be framed by someone else’s and let God have the glory.

Pastor Brent