“The whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord!”
While we are certainly a building; we are a living thing. Because we are growing in the Lord.
Normally, a building doesn’t grow—unless you add on; but our building grows as we mature in Christ.
How does this growth work? You are given tests. Tests are those things that work your trigger, push your button, or just plain make you angry outside of the boundary that God has allowed you.
And then we get to repent and allow the Holy Spirit to remold us into a better fitting shape for our place in this building.
Do you know how they fit stones together before the invention of the stone and tile saws? They chipped away at them. Carefully, so they would not wreck the whole stone, but only to make it fit with the ones around it.
But as a stone, sometimes we say, “Can’t you chip the other stone, I like how I am now!” And the mason will inevitably say, “I’m chipping (or shaping) both of you so the fit can be ultra tight without possibility of breach.
I’m not the mason, the Holy Spirit is. I’m a stone in the building trying to allow God to fitly join me together, how about you?
Pastor Brent