Ephesians - Who We Are


When we learn who we are, we have choices: Continue to be who we were, or be who God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, through the Word, says we are.

Trouble is, our senses take control of our lives and when we don’t see, hear, feel, taste, or smell what we expect, we begin to doubt that the Word is true.

Paul is giving the Ephesians the lowdown on what we have been given when we believe in Jesus.

It goes far beyond our being quote, unquote, “saved.”

We have spiritual authority based on our residing in Jesus and what He accomplished while here on earth.

Not what you’ve done. Many people, scripture says, will cry out “Lord, Lord!” “didn’t we cast out demons etc, etc in your name,” and He will say to them, “I never knew you.”

So, in the grand scheme of things, what do we want to focus on? Get to know the Lord and his body (other believers in Christ).

Then we will gain great confidence in His Word and what He says.

Please take this as an admonition to learn of Him,speak to Him, and give of yourself to Him, you know, Follow Him.

Great and wonderful fellowship awaits His chosen as we desire to be, and partake of, all that He has given us.

Pastor Brent