Two very different subjects of the parables we are looking at this morning.
One is concerning prayer and our attitude, the other is all about our attitude.
One son says flat out, “I will not go!,” but later repents and goes and does his father’s bidding.
The other son says, “Of course, I will go father,” and never goes out to do the will of the father.
Which one am I? Which one are you?
The other parable is about the persistent widow and prayer. Being obstinate and demanding when the situation calls for it is something very precious to the Lord. If we realize we cannot bring about our own answers but need the help of a person of authority; we put ourselves in a position that we might receive the justice we are asking for.
And the last parable also speaks to our position in prayer. If we feel we are owed and better than all others praying, we simply pray to ourselves. And that’s all that hear us, ourselves. But when we understand our relationship with God, we come humbly, only believing we are heard because He is a gracious God.
Give your mom a hug, if possible, and thank her for all the prayers lifted in your name.
Pastor Brent