Easter Sunday - 2021

Taking a break from the parables of Jesus, let’s look at the reality of what an empty tomb means.


“One day, we will realize that OUR tomb is empty. That is, our old self no longer rules and we are changed forever and living by a new set of rules. His rules.”


First, and foremost, it means Jesus wasn’t a liar and that He was absolutely correct in putting His trust in Father God.

Second, it means that the only, and last, absolute on earth—that is death—does not have any kind of hold on Him or us.

Death has lost its sting, as the scripture says; and there is no more need to fear judgment when we trust in Jesus.

So this morning as you’re around family and friends, are they secure? Do they know about your personal relationship with Jesus? About the turnaround in your life since you asked Jesus in?

And what about you, yourself, does Jesus still speak with you and move you toward a life that is worth living?

He is interested in your eternal self. Even when our mortal self doesn't seem to be doing so well; God still concentrates on your eternal you and the tools (fruits) you need to get there.

One day, we will realize that OUR tomb is empty. That is, our old self no longer rules and we are changed forever and living by a new set of rules. His rules.

May you have an eye-opening Easter.

Pastor Brent