27 Parables of Jesus - Week 7 - Sheep and Shepherds


When I hear the parable of the lost sheep I think, “What about us, the ninety-nine?” Unless, of course, I am the lost sheep. Then my concern for the ninety-nine seems to diminish.

We are all one turn away from being lost. No, not condemned to Hell, but rather, not getting fed and susceptible to the dangers of wolves.

Wolves keep circling the pack to get to the weak ones or those that wander away. The Good Shepherd keeps track of the sheep to know how many are there.

Our second parable is about just that-the Good Shepherd.

In biblical times, the shepherd was the gate to the pen where the sheep were kept. If they wanted to get out or an enemy wanted to get in; they would have to step over the shepherd and he would be awakened.

So, be at ease flock, the Good Shepherd watches over your souls and He will not be intimidated or swayed by any outsiders or influences that might have overtaken you in the past. He is, and will, fight for you and win because He is the ultimate Good Shepherd.

Pastor Brent