Philippians 3 - Citizen of ??

As we close out chapter 3 of Philippians and get into chapter 4, Paul asks a very important question in the midst of his statement.

Our citizenship is in heaven. But is it? As Paul describes those who are enemies of Christ but seem to walk with Him, he speaks of their focus. Is it this world or the kingdom of God? Only those with kingdom vision have the chance to know God.

All else reflects that we haven't really died to self, we haven't picked up our cross, and we are not walking according to the Spirit and not the flesh.

All of which leaves us rudderless and driven by whatever the latest fashion and doctrines that are being put forth.

The creed of the Foursquare Church is; “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever.” If we believe that then there must be a fundamental base, a foundation if you will, that we compose our lives and beliefs on that give us comfort to rest as He accomplishes that which He has called us to.

We are in Christ! In Him we live and move and have our being! Nothing can intrude into the personage of Christ. Dwell there in the peace and knowledge He sits at the right hand of the Father.

Pastor Brent