“Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is your faithfulness.”
What about you and I is new every morning? Do I wake up with the same expectations, or do I allow room for new thoughts, ideas, and actions to enter the realm of my life?
Last week we talked about eyes being opened and God walking “with” us. How are you putting this into play?
We are at the brink of a new year. Are you convincing yourself that nothing is ever going to change and all will carry on has it has always been?
That’s what the Israelites told themselves right before destruction, “Oh, it will go on forever just as before!”
But with God all things are made new! We simply have the chance to put it to the test at the beginning of a new year.
Let’s make our resolution to read and write about our reading, to let God change us through His Word, physically as well as spiritually. Let’s be new. Let’s be willing. Let’s be on the Lord’s side, starting with this year and every year from now on.
Give the Lord His due and see what the blessing poured out looks like.
Happy “New” Year
Pastor Brent