Philippians - To Complain or Not to Complain

Do all things without complaining or disputing.
— Philippians 2:14

Can we just work on these the rest of our lives? I know I mentioned this last Sunday; but honestly, how many of you made it to Monday morning before you complained about something?

I seriously thought about calling everyone Monday morning to ask this question, but then just complained that not that many people would answer their phone.

But, there is another part to this verse; disputing. Disputing is arguing. If you are having trouble with complaining, maybe start with disputing. It takes two to argue and if you will not engage, then there is no dispute. If it’s some really important matter, ask someone else to step in and settle the matter. And be ready to accept the verdict.

But we shouldn’t get stuck on one verse, because Paul goes on to give us a great promise from God to be lights in this perverse generation. This world needs light. And we can be the reflectors of the one who makes the light. But it means giving up those things we need to let go of.

Paul is fine if he is poured out as a drink offering. An offering that no one enjoys any part of except the Lord. It is an act of sacrifice on many levels, but one that is primarily the Lords. Am I ready to never be noticed (so I think) except by God, to be the light He has made me to be? Time (and complaining) will tell.

Pastor Brent