What Do I Do?

We have just studied the book of Daniel and our last message was on prayer and how to enter in and believe God.

We have learned how to be accused for believing in God and how to stand up to the consequences, while watching God take over and deliver His people from harm.

Canyon Strong

But what do we do now?  Last week our amazing church body came together and served breakfast to people who came in,  we continued the laundry ministry, we sent the extra food to the guys on the front line fighting the fires and guarding the canyon.  Hopefully you donated something elsewhere to lessen the burden on those who have lost everything.

And we, for our part are helping people with gas cards as they travel back and forth to Salem or wherever they have been evacuated to, and also to the volunteers that helped move the animals out for people that couldn’t.

You will run into a number of people who will have that look on their face like, “I don’t know what to do next!” and let me say this, “you don’t need to know the answer.”  You simply are there for them to have someone to fall apart with, or cry with, or get some information about who to call or where to turn.

This is the best time to be a Christian because we have the Holy Spirit to answer for us.  And one thing to leave out of your vocabulary for this time, “Well, all things work together for good. And God won’t give you more than you can handle.”

Leave those on the shelf for now and truly be quick to listen, slow to speak, and excellent at comfort.

Learning these things too,

Pastor Brent